Over the years, in my foray in the Corporate and Public sphere especially engaging with leaders in management and governance, I have come to realise that each individual has a personality brand; that is how you are perceived by others in or outside your circle (friends, business partners, clients, family, employees, public etc).

Truth is, it doesn't change if you are conscious or ignorant of it but it does help invaluably if you choose to take cognitive responsibility for your personal brand.

Personal Branding is based on a person's authenticity and a genuine desire to add value to those around them.

 Personal Branding is the scorecard that measures a leader's core message delivery, their professional presence in person and online and their application of foundational values both in and out of the office.

This is not only a needed value but an essential one that seems to have waned in appreciation but is highly sought after as the world embraces the new virtual world as technology continues to dominate common daily processes.

GRACE&DAVID NG is our Image and Lifestyle Consulting arm bringing not just invaluable service but delivering enduring and life transforming experiences.

We are also Nigeria's first luxury and premium leather accessorisor. 

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