Executive Intelligence is described as the very essence of great leaders. One that separates good companies from the great. 

Executive Intelligence In its simplest form,  is a distinct set of aptitudes that an individual must be able to demonstrate in three central contexts of work: the accomplishment of  tasks, working with and through other people, and judging  oneself and adjusting one’s behaviour accordingly.

The more proficient an individual is in all three of those areas, the higher his or her level of Executive Intelligence. Executive Intelligence has its roots in what’s commonly known as critical thinking, but it isn’t the same as the abstract logic and reasoning skills often associated with the subject.

Instead, it’s an expanded and applied type of critical thinking — how an individual skillfully uses the available information as a guide to thought and action.

Like every other skill, a few are known to be natural at it while research has shown that these skills can be developed in no time through highly engaging, experiential and interactive training.

Interested in priming up your management team for executive intelligence?


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